Jord-mødre - Earth-mothers

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Animals in our society.

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captured animals  Hilde_Aga_Brun  captured animals
overlatt skjebnen - left to its own destiny
elsket til døde - loved to death
captured animals  for nature captured animals  captured animals
levende agn - living bait
sol-egg - "factory"mother
captured animals  for nature captured animals  captured animals  for nature
den norske reven - the norwegian fox
hav vandreren - the ocean wanderer
kyrne og kalvenes tårer - tears from cows and calves
My main artpage: captured animals  for nature My art in general is available also on these places, where some is for sale: *AFC, Artists for conservation. Supporting nature through art
*Women Environmental Artists Directory
*Amphibian art/ .
Min kunst er tilgjengelig, noen også for salg på overstående nettsider.
den norske elefeanten - the norwegian elephant